This is a record of my art making, the experiences that I have in everyday life that inspire me and a document of the paintings that I produce. Sometimes I will mention different facts or stories that bear some relevance to manu / birds and New Zealand native flora. One of the key ideas within my work is the celebration of the uniqueness of the native species within Aotearoa / New Zealand.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

fantails and roses

I have been remiss in the upkeep of this blog. Since getting back from Tiri I have frantically been trying to get caught up with work etc; and got out of the habit. The background of this work was an experiment with overlapping fragments of vintage lace and doileys. I think that there is more to explore in the idea of playing with 'fan'tails and lace. Something that could be experimented with further next year. Because the painting had a vintage feel with the doilies I decided to go with it. The roses worked wonderfully, one of my favourite ones happened to be flowering so I used that to base the painted ones on. The exaggeration of the serpentine nature of the stems added interest to the composition and linked all three panels together beautifully.

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About Me

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Auckland, New Zealand
Ella Thomas is a contemporary artist who lives in Auckland, Aotearoa. She is of Ngapuhi descent and has a passion for the beauty of the whenua (land), the sea and for the unique flora and fauna of New Zealand. The concepts that are explored within Ella's work are based upon notions of conservation, ecological balance and extinction. Her paintings often feature nostalgic patterns reminiscent of the mid to late 1800's, the era when European colonization occurred. It was during this time that many unique species of birds became extinct. The rarer a bird became, the more prized a specimen of it became. Alive or dead. Much of Ella's paintings are celebrations of the unique character of our surviving taonga (treasures). Ella has a Bachelor of Visual Arts and has been working within arts related industries for many years. She has paintings in collections nationwide, Australia, England and the USA. Finally the plunge has been taken and Ella has committed herself to fulfilling a dream, that of becoming a full-time artist.