The little riroriro (grey warbler) was awarded 'Bird of the Year' in 2007. It is quite an amazing little bird, despite pipiwharauroa (shining cuckoo) parasitism riroriro are still quite common. Instead of having just one breeding round during spring, riroriro actually have two, one of them being earlier than that of the pipiwharauroa. This has enabled them to survive where other birds wouldn't have. They also adapt quickly to most environments, even in suburbia. I was lucky enough to see one on Tiritiri Matangi, they are so small(about 100mm) and delightful. Initially I mistook it for a rifleman, but later found out that there are none on the island.

Triptych, 3 canvases 205mm x 405mm x 35mm
Archival acrylics and gesso on canvas
I am really happy with how these paintings turned out. The subtle layering worked well, riroriro colouring and feathers are just beautiful. Manuka flowers and the darker branches proved to be the ideal backdrop for the triptych.
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